Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy 200!!!

Yes, the 200th post is finally here and is a confirmation that I am still alive. Apologies for the extremely long hiatus since my last official post on 11/11/09, school work and a sense of lethargy on writing a blog that no one really reads made me reluctant to continue blogging. However, with Summer break here and a enormous list of bookmarked websites and news articles in my browser's "ToBePosted" folder have persuaded me to resume. Although I will try my best to include everything I have wanted to talk about (politics, entertainment, rants), I can only include items that have been preserved in that aforementioned bookmark folder; stuff I thought about while in the shower maybe forever lost to time. Details/opinions may also be brief. I will also add a date to give it some context.

Now, on to the celebrations! A quick recap of the last 100 posts! (The 100th post was published 2/5/09.) Get ready for a barrage of hyperlinks but trust me, it is worth the read:
Here's to another 100 and thank you for stopping by and hope to see you again soon!

Post 200 Dated 5/19/10, see 200th post for reason
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